
How to improve your Angular library

December 01, 2022

Using an Angular workspace with your own library you might’ve noticed that your main bundle size keeps increasing the more features you are adding - even if you are not using all features up front. Let me show you how you can build a sustainable and lightweight library structure for your own library.


Angular libraries are awesome and Angular does a good job giving you a kick start with their documentation. However this only works for very simple and small libraries. If your library gets bigger and you want to optimize it, I found there to be very few good resources.

Let me tell you an example. I’m using a big library with dependencies like AG Grid to provide shared components and services in a multi application Angular workspace. I’m using lazy loading for all my routes but I discovered the main bundle get’s increased for all applications if I add more things to the library. At some point I was just using a simple data service in the main application and an AG Grid component few lazy loaded modules down the line, but still AG Grid and all components were added to the main bundle.
In this post I will show you how to analyze your package and how to properly set up your library in order to prevent similar issues.

All examples in this post use a sample project at

Bundle analyzer

A bundle analyzer allows you to get insights in your bundled JavaScript. It shows you what dependencies are included and how much space each section needs.
The Angular team recommends to use a tool called source-map-explorer. A lot of other post show tools like webpack-bundle-analyzer or others. To some extend they work as well, but let’s stick with the source-map-explorer for now.

First we need to install it with npm or yarn

npm install -g source-map-explorer
yarn global add source-map-explorer

Now build your project with the --source-map=true flag. (If you are using a project with an Angular version prior 12 also add the --prod flag)

ng build app --source-map=true

And now we can have a look at our stats with

source-map-explorer dist/app/main.js

The result looks something like this Source Map Image Bad Library .

Problem analysis

Let’s have a look at our sample application. We are using a small service and a component to display a simple table Bad lib directory .

In our app.component.ts we are using the RandomService and in our lazy loaded route the TableComponent.
But if we have a look at our bundle analysis (see screenshot above) we will notice that AG Grid is actually added to the main module, instead of the lazy loaded one.

It turns out by default an Angular library is actually not tree shakeable, and you will always add the entire library to your bundle, even if you are just importing one service or variable.

Solution - Multiple Entry points

You can create multiple entry points to your library and then you only need to import a specific entry point you are interested in, instead of the entire library. Angular material is using the same concept, for example import {MatDialog} from '@angular/material/dialog';
Creating separate entry points is actually fairly simple and you only need to create a new directory inside your library and add an ng-package.json file. Inside the ng-package.json you need to put the following content

    "$schema": "../../../../node_modules/ng-packagr/ng-package.schema.json",
    "lib": {
        "entryFile": "public_api.ts"

In our example I moved the table directory into a separate grid directory next to the already existing src directory. Good lib directory .

If you now run ng build good-lib you will notice that actually two entry points are created

Building Angular Package

Building entry point 'good-lib'
✔ Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy partial compilation mode.
✔ Writing FESM bundles
✔ Copying assets
✔ Writing package manifest
✔ Built good-lib

Building entry point 'good-lib/grid'
✔ Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy partial compilation mode.
✔ Writing FESM bundles

Now just one step is missing in order to use the secondary entry points. Go to your tsconfig.json (in your root directory). And extend the path entry for your library with a placeholder match.

"paths": {
  "good-lib": [


"paths": {
  "good-lib/*": [
  "good-lib": [

Note: You just need to do this once for your first secondary entry point. All future entry points will be resolved as well.

You can now use the TableModule from the secondary entry point like this import { TableModule } from 'good-lib/grid';

How to reference between the different entry points

You can NOT use relative imports between difference entry points. You need to import from the build package like you would from a regular application as well. In our example this would be import {RandomService} from 'good-lib'; if you want to use it in the grid entry point.

Note: ng-packagr will detect in which order it needs to compile the different entry points so everything can be resolved. You will get an error if you introduce a circular dependency and two (or more) entry points actually try to import from each other.

Test for yourself

You can clone the and just need to change three imports to switch between the good and the bad library. See what imports to change

In the end with the good library AG Grid gets added to the lazy loaded route instead of the initial bundle. Source Map Image Good Library And our initial bundle is only 200kb instead of 1.3mb

Personal Blog written by Nicolas Gehlert, software developer from Freiburg im Breisgau. Developer & Papa. Github | Twitter

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August 04, 2023

Hi Yevhen, thanks for your comment. I’m not aware of any setting that can cause this, as it would break the angular router syntax/behavior. If you use the source-map-explorer or any other bundle analyzer you can check where the grid library is actually imported. Unfortunately a single module import somewhere down the line is enough to include everything in the main bundle. Best Nico


July 19, 2023

Hello, Nicolas. Good article, thanks you! When a saw it for the first time I told to my boss that this is must have feature. He agreed and currently I’m busy with moving ag-grid to the separate library. The functionality is working well in your example and I’m really excited about it. But unfortunately it’s not working in our app. I removed all ag-grid imports from our app, copied your good-lib into our app, updated angular.json and tsconfig.json. But ag-grid is still the part of the main bundle when I import TableModule from good-lib/grid. Could it be some settings in angular that I missed? We started our project from version 8. Maybe some old settings preventing this good-lib to lazyLoad. The packages are indentical to your example but the behavior is different. I believe that I will use your improvements in our project but currently I’m stuck.

© 2024, Nicolas Gehlert